Membership Application

The North Carolina Substance Use Disorder Federation is a consortium of substance use disorder organizations and groups that promotes policies to assure quality systems of education, prevention, and the expansion of a continuum of prevention services, treatment services, and recovery supports to effectively meet the needs of our population. The Federation serves as the official substance use disorders sub-group of the MHDDSAS Coalition of North Carolina (Coalition).

The Bylaws state that “membership is open to organizations, groups and appointed seats that identify with the mission of the Federation. Organizations are defined as entities incorporated to benefit its dues paying members. Groups are defined as incorporated or unincorporated entities representing an area of the substance use disorder field”.

Organization member is a member in good standing of the Coalition and attends at least 60% of called Federation meetings to retain active status. Coalition membership is open to state-level, tax-exempt, non-profit organizations whose primary membership is improving the lives of people with mental illness, developmental disabilities, and addictive diseases. Organization members shall have voting privileges on all issues; one vote per agency.

Group Member self identifies as a representative of a group in the substance use disorder field not eligible for Organizational membership. Attends at least 60% of called Federation meetings to retain active status. Group members shall have voting privileges on all issues; one vote per group.

Complete the form below to apply for membership.

Federation Membership Application

Membership Levels

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